5 Tips on how to get started

Scentsy Fanatics,
It is that time of year again , when the last snow has fallen and the new buds are bursting. We are ready to throw the WIndows open wide and The Spring Cleaning bug is Itching . Before you can clean every nook and cranny you have to declutter.
Clutter is a very overwhelming fact in all of our lives. How many times have you gone in to a craft store and purchased everything you needed to complete a fun project and before you could get it done it got stuffed into the craft closet. I know i have done it to many times. My weakness is clearance sections, I always have to check them , heck you never know what you can get really cheap and you never know when your going to need it , Right?

I decided it was time to declutter, so like any normal 55 year old women I googled “Declutter”. I weeded through a couple of the articles and found one on “How to Declutter up to 465 items in one month. . I decided to try this one.
The idea is simple: you identify one thing to chuck on Day One, two things on Day Two, three on Day Three… so that by the end of the month – you will have identified a staggering 465 items of clutter and recycled them, Garage Saled them , Sold them or them to a Goodwill.
Don’t know where to start ?
Start Small
Start Small with a Bathroom or Laundry Room. This will help with the feeling of being overwhelmed. Then just take it room by room
Box with a LID
Make sure you have a Box with a lid when you start this, we all know how easy it is to look at something and think maybe i shouldn’t get rid of that.
organize as you go. If when done going through stuff you re-organize and and put away the items you are killing 2 birds with one stone
Question it
By Questioning yourself about the items will help you to discard it. For Example: When is the last time I used or wore this item? Do I use this regularly? Occasionally?Seasonally?Annually? Will I ever use this again?
Keep to the Schedule
Set aside 15 minutes a day to insure you keep to your schedule. Don’t be afraid to discard more than allotted for that day .
So Far I have made it through one month . Ill be honest with you it wasn’t easy. I missed a couple of days, some I tried to catch up some I let go . But it is a start and a Start is the Step in the Right Direction . The Next Step
it is time to start Cleaning .