Scentsy Fanatics,
Welcome to my Scentsy Blog, one of the things I love about Scentsy is the fact that you can run your business the way you want to. Scentsy has such a open culture when it comes to its consultants, We realize that not everyone is in it for a Full Time Career. Some just love the product so much they want to JOIN for a discount. With the only having to sell $200 in one month every 4 months its easy , but don’t worry if you want to sell for more than the discount you can do that also
To help you get that business started, Scentsy always has these 2 kits , the standard $99 full kit (everything you need to launch your business) or the $59 Hostess Kit (Throw a party and use your hostess rewards to pay for your kit),
In the Month of May 2019 you can join scentsy for just $15 . what a awesome time to jump in and see what type of consultant you want to be.

What type of Consultant are you ?

Joins to receive the amazing product kit (full-size) at over $300 in product with no plans to sell
Joins to receive Product Kit and stays active easily by placing his/her own order as well as orders for close friends and family once every four months
Joins to make extra money selling to friends, family and co-workers. place order often and has fun sharing his.her passion for the products to earn extra money each month
Joins to launch him/herself into a amazing business opportunity. Loves to share the products, build a tem and help others grow in their businesses as well maintains consistent sales and growth and shows progression in his/her business earns a rewarding income, incentive trips and awards

Whichever one you are , JOIN TODAY and work your business the way you want to , with a amazing family oriented Company .
Contact me to get your Journey Started
I’ll be with you, every step of the way!
Being a Consultant means being part of a community – one with healthy doses of friendship, generosity and so much fun. Are you looking for extra income, or do you hate clocking in? Want to earn a trip to an exotic destination? Whatever you’re after, let Scentsy bring freedom to your life.
Scentsy has allowed me to build my business and live life on my terms. I’d love to talk to you about how being a Consultant has improved my life! It’s time to work for what you want and love what you do!
Talk Soon